SPECIAL COMMAND FOR EXPLORER Explorer /e, /root, c:\ e:\ FROM: http://www.daube.ch/share/win03.html Information on Windows script host: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnanchor/html/scriptinga.asp NOTE: There is an article, "Automating TCP/IP Networking on Clients" on Microsoft's web site, http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/topics/networking/01_atnc_intro.mspx It contains information that makes me believe that vbs files (visual basic script) use the wsh host file to run. I could be wrong but... The following information is from http://www.ss64.com/wsh/ An A-Z Index of WSH commands SYNTAX Variables, Functions, Operators, Conditional and looping Statements COMMANDS Arguments, display - WshArguments.Item (also Count and length) Command, .Run command Command, .Exec execute command Command, .AppActivate activate running command .CurrentDirectory Echo text .Echo Echo text to StdOut.Write Echo, popup .Popup Environment, read env variables - .Environment Environment, expand env variables - .ExpandEnvironmentStrings Environment, delete env variables - .WshEnvironment.Remove Environment, echo .ComputerName Environment, echo .UserName Environment, echo .UserDomain Log an item in the Event log .LogEvent Object, create - .CreateObject Object, get - .GetObject Object, disconnect - .DisconnectObject NET, net use drive - .MapNetworkDrive NET, list drive mappings - .EnumNetworkDrives NET, remove drive map - .RemoveNetworkDrive a simple DriveMap Script Path of wscript.exe - .Name Pathname of wscript.exe - .FullName Pathname of script being run - .ScriptFullName Path to desktop,start menu.. - .SpecialFolders Printer, add printer - .AddPrinterConnection Printer, add Network printer - .AddWindowsPrinterConnection Printer, list printers - .EnumPrinterConnections Printer, set default printer - .SetDefaultPrinter Printer, remove printer - .RemovePrinterConnection Quit - .Quit Registry, delete - .RegDelete Registry, read - .RegRead Registry, write - .RegWrite Send Keys - .SendKeys Shortcut,create - .CreateShortcut Sleep - .Sleep text input - .ReadLine text output - .Write Version of wscript - .Version All the syntax on this page assumes you have WSH version 5.6 or greater. ========================================================================= Run a Windows Scripting Host (WSH) script. WSH provides a windows scripting environment with commands that are identical across Win 95 - NT - XP. WSH is available under Windows 95, and NT4 if Internet Explorer 4 (or above) has been installed. WSH is installed by default on Windows 98, Windows Millenium, Windows 2000 and XP. You can also download WSH. A silent install of WSH is possible using the command /q:a /r:n however it *must* be installed with Administrator rights (and the reboot must also be done under an admin account). The download of WSH version 5.6 (as shipped with XP) fixes a few bugs and adds significantly to the features available in earlier releases. 'cscript' runs entirely in the command line and is ideal for non-interactive scripts. 'wscript' uses GUI widgets and so is prettier for things like user input. Syntax cscript [script_name.vbs] [//host options...] [/script options] wscript [script_name.vbs] [//host options...] [/script options] Arguments: script_name.vbs : The pathname of a text file containing the VBS commands to be executed. You must include the extension (normally .vbs) hide startup logo //nologo Timeout script after nn seconds //T:nn Interactive mode //I or Batch mode //B ======================================================================== The following files will install Microsoft® Windows® Script containing Visual Basic® Script Edition (VBScript.) Version 5.6, JScript® Version 5.6, Windows Script Components, Windows Script Host 5.6, and Windows Script Runtime Version 5.6. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=0A8A18F6-249C-4A72-BFCF-FC6AF26DC390&displaylang=en Simon Sheppard SS64.com